Saturday, 29 November 2014

Stay on track during the holidays

Monday is December 1st.  It would be so easy to just throw in the towel and get back to the gym in January.  But why do that to yourself?  Why make it harder for you you feel good about yourself?  Why compromise your health? If you want to look and feel good for the next 40 days AND prevent stress, cold/flu, emotional lows and more then choose to move and eat well.

Pre-book your December 1- January 10 personal training sessions today 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

How many? How long? More about Pelvic Floor Training

In our recent post Pelvic Floor Personal Trainer we promised to follow up with instructions on how many PF (pelvic floor) contractions you should be doing each day and how long you should hold them.

How Many?
A few minutes on google and you'll read anything from 20 - 200 a day!  After teaching my clients to train their PF for over 10 years, I believe that everyone should spend 2 minutes a day completely focused on their PF.  If you are working effectively with your breath, and what style of contraction you are doing, you'll be doing 15-30 isolated PF contractions a day.  I also believe that everyone should incorporate PF contractions into most of their strength workout, but more on that later.

How long?
If you are starting out, hold the contraction for the length of your exhale.

Ex.  Inhale to prepare.  As you exhale engage your PF.
As you get stronger, you might try to hold your PF contractions longer.....but make sure to breathe.

Next post?  How to breathe while you are working your PF.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Pelvic Floor Personal Trainer

Those of you who have trained with me know that I promote pelvic floor health all ages and stages and for both men and women.  I cue pelvic floor contractions (I.E. Kegels) when you squat and curl, lunge and more.  A toned and healthy pelvic floor prevents urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, internal organ prolapses, back pain and pelvic pain.  It also promotes are more satisfying sex life and helps to flatten your abdomen. 

So how do you activate your pelvic floor?  Here are a few cues.  Try them and see what works for you.

Lift your testicle up and in
Imagine you are walking into cold water

Imagine you are stopping the flow of urine
Pretent you are trying not to pass gas
Imagine your picking something up with your vagina

Our next post will be about how many, how long and how to breathe while doing pelvic floor contractions.  Need more guidance and motivation?  Download our Pelvic Floor Personal Trainer App.